Saturday, January 24, 2009


Im sitting here just got finish reading my bro Dizs "High School Sweetheart" note and decided to write something of my own. Reading his note really made me realize how simple I am compared to others. If you take offense to this note then... I dunno wat to tell you, but Im not judging you at all, its just Im not you! Im saying this because, first Christmas is coming around and everyone is being asked or is asking what gifts are wanted for Christmas. Everytime someone asks me what I want I say nothing, because number one Christmas is not about gifts and number two I feel as though its better to give than to recieve. If you give me a gift Id really appreciate it and will love it because you took the time out to get one for me, but if you dont then Im still happy, because you remain to be an important part and person in my life. I appreciate everything everyone has done for me, young and old, and I feel as though Christmas should represent the birth of our savior and also the love for family and friends!

The lil things in life that makes a person happy.... Who would rather go walking and talking with someone than to go to the movies and sit quiet in the theater...Who would rather have a bootleg picnic with homemade bologna sandwiches purple bag doritos and capri-suns rather than go to Atlantic Station to eat... Who loves big ears and loud laughs, that makes your heart glow!... Who'd rather sit on the phone and talk for hours than text for minutes.... Who would rather write love notes back and forth with the person sitting across from you... Who would rather sing songs together than to listen to the radio, even if the person is tone deaf(lol)... Who would be that someone to be the last person you talk to, last person you see, the last person voice you hear before going to sleep.... Who would rather wear her males oversize shirt to sleep, just so you can feel close to him rather than lingerie... Im very simple and the little things in life makes me happy all of these are wat I love and I put them in a question just to see if Im the only one out there that thinks like this. If so... then thats fine I dont mind being unique... If not... then thats fine too, Im still a N3W BR33D and apparently your something like that too!

Last thing that I want to address while Im thinking out loud! One thing that happened to me that presented a whole new meaning to the holidays, was on Thanksgiving. This was the first time that my family ever did the "What are you thankful for?" circle and Diz and Ken were included in the circle. Diz said something that touched my heart, it was something so simple and small as a thank you, but it hit my heart like an arrow! I just became apart of Tripple Krowns life, maybe 6 months now, but those guys are my family... I love them to death! Anyone who tries anything to hurt, misguide, manipulate, etc.. do anything that has a certain vulgarity behind it will be put to sleep! lol.. but seriously! Im behind them, I support them stronger than suspenders on an old white man with a pot belly in his pants! You will see me at every show, you will hear me on songs "STADIUM STATUS" baby, you will see me in videos and in pictures! Dont be the one that says Im behind TKM but dont show nothing that displays support, but be expecting to get on when they hit the floor running, because they will be rotating planets and moving galaxies... the earths already rotating off its axis as we speak! I dont want nothing from TKM but for them to get everything that Ive seen them work so hard for and more! I love my family!

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